Crèche Provision

The Creche Provision service is available to all parents when they attend a SureStart activity for parents only. It is a fun, safe environment that offers quality play experiences in our child-friendly facilities. 

The Creche Provision service is available to all parents when they attend a SureStart activity for parents only. It is a fun, safe environment that offers quality play experiences in our child-friendly facilities. 

Highly trained, skilled, and caring staff will work alongside parents to offer a positive childcare experience. 

The crèches are managed by our Early Years Coordinator.

We also offer year-round, high-quality play and interaction opportunities for children and parents, including Rhymetime, Messy Play, Play With Me, Music & Me, Football Fun, PEEP, and Family Events. 

If you're interested in one of our programmes or services, please complete the form below.


Family Health and Wellbeing

Our team provides home visits and a centre-based services. We also help and support families who are experiencing difficulties in coping with stress and the challenges of parenting.

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